Archive for 2010

11 weeks left!

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Herregud, bolla :p

Dog overdose

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Had some really nice hours outside with hot chocolate (in my case, ice coffee..) hotdogs and lots of dogs playing around us :)

Once a year

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I'm so glad it's only Christmas once a year!

It's a hard life!

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It's hard being a dog around here...

Teh monsters.

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I swear to god that when Ivy looks at me when we are on the way home from our walks she is begging me to "forget" the puppy in the woods...

Christmas 2010

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She was only 3 and half months on the picture, my little pearl:)

22 years!

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Yday I celebrated my bday, 22 years! Getting old :p Was fun, invited some of my closest friends and had a great evening (some brought along their dogs too!)

It has to be mentioned, since Camz sacrificed so much of herself - that she had made the most awesome cake ever :)

Thanks girls<3

My little blue pearl

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Won best of breed last sunday! It was so much fun :) Since I can't run around anymore with her, a friend who does it excellent did it instead, and seeing her standing first infront of the other 4 puppies in her class was very fun;)

No pictures yet unfortunate!

Other then that we have like -26 celcius here, crazy cold! The dogs love it, ofc while I could have been happy with -6 celcius instead:p

Other then that I got my bday gift from best bf ever, spa&massage treatment! Best gift ever, I reaaally needed it!!


The blue terrorist

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Lyra, 5 months

Tomorrow its time for Nordic Winner Exhibition in Lillestrøm, and then next weekend its a puppyshow here in vestfold and then a month off! fun times :)

dogblog warning!

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Og siden det faktisk er om hundetrening så blir den på norsk :p

Igår var første gangen på evigheter (virkelig) vi dro på hundetrening. Nå som jeg har lappen så må jo det brukes liksom :)
Jeg var litt usikker på hvor mye Ivy ville være med på det. Hun har veeeldig mye egen vilje, og om det ikke passer henne- Så passer det ikke henne. Det er lenge siden vi har trent, så jeg regnet med at det meste satt ikke lenger, men wow så feil kan man ta! Hun var HELT med hun, flinkeste til mor :)

Vi begynte med felles dekk, og felles sitt. Ingen av delene har noen gang vært et problem for Ivy, men hun kan fort bli litt lei og se litt rundt seg, og OM jeg begynner å stresse da kan det fort ryke, for hun tror jeg da begynner å kalle henne til meg, så jeg må bare fortsette å være flink til å være passiv, for til nå- Så er dette en øvelse hun har aldri feilet!

Lineføring jah. Før i tiden så var jo dette en kapitel for seg selv ;) Jeg må senke kravene, jeg må tenke på hva jeg gjør med hendene, og plasseringen av henne. For hun går som bare det! Hun er utrolig flink, og jeg må også lære meg å stole mer på henne igjennom denne øvelsen, fordi hun fikser den hun. (Også må mor lære seg forskjellen på høyre og venstre.... Kremt.)
En annen ting er at når vi skal gjøre holdt så må jeg huske at hun skal være med på det. Farten og intensiviteten hennes er ganske stor, så for at hun skal få med seg hva vi gjør så må jeg huske taktomslag så det ikke kommer så plutselig på henne.

Stå under lineføringen gikk også veldig bra. Her er det igjen MEG det står på, ikke henne. Dette var en øvelse som vi var usikre på tidligere, så har fort at det blir endel tull. Her er det bare at jeg må være tydelig, og ikke sende henne feil signaler med kroppspråket mitt. Jeg var litt spent på om hun kom til å bli stående på stedet når jeg gikk to skritt bak, og wow. Flinke hunden min det :)

Dekk fra holdt under lineføring gikk også supert, igjen- Jeg må være TYDELIG på hva jeg vil hun skal gjøre, med engang jeg begynner å surre- surrer hun. Og hvis hun mener hun gjør noe rett, og det er jeg som oppfører meg teit så tar ikke hun noe for å si ifra om det altså...

Lyra var også med, og fikk komme ut i pausen for å hilse på folk og dyr :) Hun er jo bare elskverdig, og sååå glad når hun fikk hilse på Mariann og Erik, som har broren til Ivy og Lyra- Tux :)

Jeg er så glad jeg har lappen og bil til å kunne begynne å trene igjen- Men ble en halveis kortvarig lykke, for når jeg kom hjem slo bekkenløsningen ut for fult... Fy f**** hadde aldri trodd det kom til å være så ille, og så tidlig... Just my luck :)

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Lyra has lost mostly all of her teeth now, I keep finding them on the floor and in Ivy's mane! But, atleast it means she is getting older, and thank god. I'm really not a puppy person, I like them grown up, with manners ;) But, to Lyra's defense she has been an extremely easy puppy- Except from having to yell "DONT JUMP OUT OF THE WINDOW" from time to time.... And I can't wait till she knows what "Go and lay down" and "Don't be mean to the cat!" means.. But for now, she is allowed to live her puppy life :) So happy, and so unaware of what happens around her.

It's a girl

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I've been saying it all along that it was a girl, so hearing it when we were at the ultrasound scan was nice :) Shopping for pink was fun! And we've had a girls name ready for a while :)


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I drove alone all the way too Oslo, Gardemoen the airport- With no incidents! :p But, after driving in oslo, I'm very glad I didn't have to drive back as well.

Was a bit late ofc, stopped by Camilla- I haven't been at her "new place" (She lives on her job, Gardemoen Cat&Dog hotel) and I definetly have to stop there again soon!

Tomorrow its time for a 3dscan, exciting :)


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Rest in peace Annette.

I'll never forget the night 6 years ago. The terrible accident, the memories. It's all still there.

“Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.”

Yeah, just my luck.

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So. The happiness lasted for 5 hours! My first drive alone ended in this

Totally awesome. I had my first car for FIVE whole hours before it was wrecked! Don't think my dad was counting on this... Me neither.

I passed out, and as the car drove out of the road the right wheels hit the edge of the road it tipped around and rolled over twice (Like totally around over on the roof of the car then back) And in some miraculous way everything went fine with both me and the baby, I was so worried about my dogs- Ivy was on the backseat with a tumbledryer, and when I got out of the car I couldn't see her... Ofc I thought the worst at once, but she got out of it without a scratch as well... I'm going to send a big flower as thank you for the nice people who took both of my dogs to the vet's and checked them for injuries while I was been taken to the hospital.
Let me just say- Hospitals sucks. EVERYTHING in here sucks. Big time ;p

But. I'm just glad it all went okay... And I'm not going to drive again in a long time!


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I got my drivers license today!! Oh happiness.


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Tomorrow is Lyra's first dog show. It's over two years since Ivv's first dogshow and it's sooo long since I've shown my own dog! It will be fun- And I really hope she behaves. I have to admit, she gets away with a lot, she is the last puppy I will have in years and I want to keep her a puppy as long as possible... But I really think I need to set some rules soon, before she thinks its okay walk on the table and such:p

So today it's all about grooming grooming grooming... I've done this so many times, with different dogs, different breeds etc- But I've never had a puppy with so much strong will like Lyra. So it's all about taking a lot of breaks, and lots of treats. I don't want her to find it boring, and I dont want to break her strong will. Pictures tomorrow :)

Puppy love

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A friend of mine said that puppies are miniature dogs on happypills... So true! Everymorning Lyra wakes me up (Several times each morning!) with jumping up in the bed and really -jumps- around in it wagging her tail and if she could talk it would have been "GOOD MOOORNING! NEEEW BRIGHT DAY! UP UP UP!" she learned quickly that jumping on Ivy (Who ofc sleeps in the bed with me... I think she might die a bit if I told her not to do it!) would not be a very smart idea, since Ivy doesn't wake up by herself before sometime around noon :p But me on the other hand... Ah well, its such a good thing puppies are cute ;)

Hot chocolate and cream in the middle of the night.

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Is nom nom:)

Had a really good day yday, was out driving for 5 hours (soon driving exam, and if I fail AGAIN I'll just never do it again :p Failing issues- yes.)

Bought new curtains for the kitchen, new table for the livingroom and ofc the dogs got their share too :) New toys, MonsterPuppy (Lyra...) Got a new leash, and a new exhibition leash as well since we are going to her first puppy show on sunday- Ivy has a white one with pink stones, so she needed something similiar ofc ;)

Other then that it's been a while since I've had a whole night of sleep. "Someone" likes keeping mommy awake during the night kicking, and if its like this already... I'm not looking forward to how it will be in 10 weeks:P

Little brother

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Proud of him :)


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Born in 88
Occupying the 5th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Dragon is the mightiest of the signs. Dragons symbolize such character traits as dominance and ambition. Dragons prefer to live by their own rules and if left on their own, are usually successful. They’re driven, unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks. They’re passionate in all they do and they do things in grand fashion. Unfortunately, this passion and enthusiasm can leave Dragons feeling exhausted and interestingly, unfulfilled.

While Dragons frequently help others, rarely will they ask for help. Others are attracted to Dragons, especially their colorful personalities, but deep down, Dragons prefer to be alone. Perhaps that is because they’re most successful when working alone. Their preference to be alone can come across as arrogance or conceitedness, but these qualities aren’t applicable. Dragons have tempers that can flare fast!

Considering their hard-working nature, Dragons are healthy overall. They do get stressed and suffer from periodic tension/headaches, likely because they take so many risks. Dragons could benefit from incorporating mild activity into their lives. Yoga or walking would be good as these activities can work both their minds and their bodies.

Dragons prefer leading to being led.

Totally forgotten

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... What it's like having 3 dogs! Sometime back 3 would have been piece of cake, now I'm glad I only have two! But, to be fair- I have the easiest houseguest ever, I'm "babysitting" Shabtay, Jen's dog.. My smooth collie love :) So easy to have here, he knows the rules, knows me and Ivy (Me and Ivy have lived with him for some time:) ) and with no doubt, I'm having a male dog next time ;) (Well, that will be years tho.. But next time!)


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I think I could drink this all day long.

Clumzy award goes to...

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... Guess who :p

After almost 9 weeks with being sick everymorning, being tired all the time and sleeping 10 hours a day (atleast)things were finally getting better- And I get streptococcus infection in my throat... And not only that, I manage to step over my foot being out with the dogs when it was dark- And it ended up being sprained. Wtf. :( cruches for atleast two weeks and minimal movement.

So ofc, I feel very sorry for myself!:P But. Guess it could always be worst :)

oh what a night...

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I should have learned by now! Walking, with the dogs in the middle of the night for one last walk before bed... As usual we walk to a field around 600-700 meter from the house. Stupid me ofc forgot to make sure the cats were inside, and while we were walking on the field, pit dark I suddenly hear something meowing behind me. Damn it... Simin, following us! She likes walking with me and the dogs, since she never leaves the garden otherwise. The dogs were loose, Ivy knows better then running after our cats, while the puppy thought of course it was birthday and x-mas on the same time, A TOY WHO RUNS! YEAH! Awesome. It took me almost two minutes to get her to stop chasing my poor kitten, and when I got her back on a leash, I could not see the kitten (Hard to see anything in the middle of the night..) and could not hear her, she always responds me when I call on her. So, I decided to go home and hope that she would follow. Walked slowly back home while calling on her, and when we got back- No Simin. What to do next? I couldn't just leave her out there, and if she was still on the field, that would mean she had to walk alone 600-700 meters by road alone. No way.. So, as afraid as I am of the dark (Alone, very afraid actually) I decided to go back to the field without the dogs, and stood there calling for her for almost 10 minutes without answer- Then finally from the other side of the field I heard her meowing, and there was no way I was going to let her walk beside me home and she was more the happy to be carried home :) I don't think I would have slept tonight if didn't return at once!
So lesson learned. ALWAYS be sure the cats are inside and not following me on walks


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.. Lyra.

Our new family member :) She is the cutes, independent, noisy, playful and loveable puppy! She reminds me so much of Ivy when she was that age, which is ofc a good thing.

It's weird waking up twice every night to go out with her, wake up in the mornings by sharp puppy teeth biting you, or jumping around in the bed declaring that it's morning, but all worth it :)

(Yes yes, this is the last animal pup that will be joining for a while:P)

It doesn't matter

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It doesn't matter what is going on in life, when you stand on the top of the mountain and look out on this

Ivy got a new backpack, so we had to try it out - And it was really good after such a long day yday on the dogshow!


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So, it's taken a while before I actually even thought about my blog.. But, it's time to blog a bit from our wonderful trip :) It was sooo nice down there! The weather, the people (Tho, a bit intense on the selling part:P Dragging us around everywhere lol- "come and see my shop" probably one of the sentences we heard the most!) We had some great adventures down there as well, and it was relaxing and nice :)

Lol, A lot of pics from our trip to the zoo- Tbh, we didn't use the camera much :P Shame, and a lesson for next vacation :)

Other then that it's back to reality... It was good to get back home to Ivy and my kittens, I missed them sooo much! Ohh.. I forgot to tell what our "main activity" down there was :P So.. Everyone who knows me knows how I feel about animals... And around our hotel was a nice park- with loots of skinny skinny cats, so after every meal we had we went to the park to feed the cats with the leftovers, a few strange looks from people- but who cares! It made the cats really happy :)

Yesterday we had a visit from Ivy's breeder and the owner of her halfbrother, it was soo nice to meet them :) Ivy enjoyed herself with the company and it was good to talk some Collie ;)
Unfortunate she is still out of her coat, so no showing for atleast half a year.

This weekend is all about dogshow, in Oslo. Its been a bit since last time, so will be fun :)

I'm not feeling 100% atm, cant wait before these weeks have gone by! Soon it's autumn , one of my fav seasons:)

Personality test

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Personality test results

Ta-dah, your personality type is ENFP!

-ENFPs tend to be more abstract than concrete. They focus their attention on the big picture rather than the details, and on future possibilities rather than immediate realities
-ENFPs tend to value personal considerations above objective criteria. When making decisions, they often give more weight to social implications than to logic

Yes, I've been bored today :p


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Recipe summer

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Perfect :)