Archive for March 9, 2010

Oh what a monday :)


posted by L

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Okay.. Where to begin ?  With a picture perhaps?

Yes :) I got the job at the horse clinic! So now on Tuesday and Thursday hectic as it can get- With one job ending 3 pm, and the other one starting a few hours later :p But it's fun. I like it this way... And I could really really not be happier about the new job, it's so exciting... I'm like WOW all the time, and sooo much to learn! I have really really missed horses I guess.  But when it's something you cant have you suppress it enough till you forget it.

So, I've been complaining about snow- Ivy not having enough coat and so on... Yesterday I learned not to complain about the snow, and not to complain on ivy's coat :P It's melting here now with the nice weather we have and you can imagine how Ivy's white legs look then...

But, the dogs really enjoy themselfs in the nice weather! I love it when it's snow everywhere and the sun is shining :) 

So! Our mornings now start way earlier then before, and the girls are not really A-dogs to be honest... I guess that is my fault :P But they dont mind me waking up wondering around here, as long as I dont wake them up that early.. Yesterday I tried to call on Ivy a few minutes after I woke up, and had to go back into the bedroom and found her laying on my bed staring at me as she was asking if I was stupid... But! As soon as they hear their dogbowls they wake up ;)

No one can say that my dogs dont eat a healthy diet :p

well, an hour left before I have to get to work! Time to go out for a walk with the girls :)