So I'm sick... AGAIN. Come on! How often am I suppose to get a cold :/ ? Meh. On Saturday I was at a dogshow- The first one in MONTHS. God as I've missed it! Me and Kristine Mali had to wake up way too early (Well, I slept like.. One hour? heh.) and was in the car a bit over 5 am, and god what a weather! Snowstorm and driving the awful road to a place called Bø- Where the dogshow was held.
Well, it was worth getting a cold, waking up before it's humanly possible.. Meeting the people, showing dogs and have fun. It was really worth it all! Next time will be International show in Bergen- 515 km! Crazy, and I love it =)
Kinda forgot that I brought my pocked camera with me so very few pictures.. And the best ones is taken with my phone, haha.
Well yeah, so I'm sick! Go me again. 15 hours sleep everyday ftw... :/ OOooooooh! I've complained lately that I don't have my own showdog and stuff. That might change soon =)