Archive for 02/01/2011 - 03/01/2011
posted by L
Jynx! 35 dager igjen du liksom.
Torsdagsnatt, ganske og veeeldig uventet gikk vannet og frøkna hadde det visst travelt med å komme!
Født 19.02.2011, 01.42 am, 2835 cm og 48 cm :)
Virkelig helt utrolig følelse. Kan ikke forklares!
posted by L
Happy valentine's day everyone <3
We had strawberrys covered with white chocolate and spend the day together watching series etc, since I was sick. I had all these great plans, but happy that I manage to do some of it atleast!
And no, I didn't get anything :P But! I didn't want anything either... Boyfriend is so great on doing that kinda stuff all the time, gifts, flowers etc- So it was my time to do something for him instead :)
posted by L
posted by L
I don't think I'll ever get enough! Screw black coffee ;)
posted by L
My little blue pearl did it again :) Best of Breed on the dogshow today!
Big thanks to Camz who drove us, and to Mali who showed her so nicely!
And the judgement
"7 mnd vakker tispe av meget god type og størrelse, Det helt korrekte kileformede hode med akkurat passe stopp. Gode ører, God kropp og benstamme. Vakker pels og farge!"
"7 months beautiful bitch of good type and shape, the completely correct head with just just enough stop on the muzzle. Good ears, good body and bones. Beautiful coat and colour!"