I miss my dog so much right now! I have been given the opportunity to have her here for a few weeks, but I'm not sure. It's not like I wouldn't give anything to travel tomorrow and get her, but more to do with how it will be after- It's just for a few weeks and then it's back to the usual again, her far away and me here. I hurts to think that if I don't get her here now it will be so long til I see her, and it's like cry-before-falling-a-sleep miss her, it's incredible silly and I know it... But I've had her since she was a small puppy, and can't help it :/ She has been a such big part of my life to now and it's so weird not having her around me all the time :(
It's so bad I sometimes consider ending the school year.
And how she loved snow!
She has a habit of sometimes just come close to me and lean her face on mine just to be close
We had lots of fun in winter time
But ofc she could just look beautiful too.
And well, she has never had trouble with her appetite...I think she is trying to hypnotise the cake to her here with Maren on her bday.
And she loves training and having fun.
God hos I miss her... Okay, enough Ivy spam for today!
*dry tears*
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