Archive for 2009

Merry Xmas everyone

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A few days since last time I blogged, and I wish I could say that I've been so busy that I couldnt get time to blog but tbh. I haven't done anything:P Watched loads of movies, out walking in the woods with Ivy and just doing xmas stuff. Been watching probably 10 disney movies, lol.

Me and Ivy are leaving tomorrow for T.heim, and ofc I havent even started packing. Bringing her with me always means more things too, and if will be so fun taking the bus back for 9 hours with her:P Luckily she is the sweetest dog and rarely causes any problems.

Ooh, I got some flowers today! Really nice ones too :)I dont think any girl dont appreciate flowers^^

heh, weird to think about, I found some old pictures of me, and my first collie- Sapeca. And now 19 years later, Collie is still part of my life :)

Dinner la'Lill

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Wok with chicken and wholemeal noodles:)




Nom nom :)

It's 9.30 am

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And I'm awake. Wtf? Well. It was very fun last night, thanks :) But I'm so not doing that in a while, and I actually woke up by myself. Last minute shopping panic probably.
Well, that is kinda todays plan. Out shopping the last xmas presents, and then home and give Ivy a bath, she needs to be presentable for tomorrow, and nice to have a clean dog before xmas :)

Bake kake søte!

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Time to bake some x mas cakes, cookies and so on:) (And ofc chocolate cake! I love chocolate:/ )

Today's horoscope

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You may need to play a game of self-adjustment to try to get out of a loop today, Sagittarius. It's one of those times when you may be experiencing the results of your actions, and there is something about the experience that assures you that you've been through something similar before. This is an unlearned lesson, or a do-over or a back to the drawing board day. It's not a good sign when you keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Einstein said that we can't solve problems with the same thinking that created them.

Nice to know, thank you horoscope! heh.

Well, since we are invited to a chrismastree party tonight it's time to start actually doing something (like. Eat something, go for a walk with Ivy, dye my hair- A lot on the list "to do")

Btw. I l-o-v-e taking baths!

It's suuunday.

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And we had so many plans what to do! I went to bed really early and the plan was to get up early... Yeah right. It's 2 pm right now, and we just woke up and I haven't even taken a shower yet. So much for sunday well spend :P

Tonights Movie

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Tonights movie was erhm. A rather special choice. I didn't have any expectations, and haven't really heard much about the movie either.

It was a weird movie (Well Swedish, duh!) And I'm not sure I liked it. Yes, not sure. As I said, it was weird, and a bit creepy so was good to watch some Battlestar Gallactica before bed, just finished season one and starting on season two tomorrow:)

Not had an exciting day tbh, just started fixing a bit that I will need before moving and stuff :)

Late late late.

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A bit too late this morning to, but atleast I actually got there on time for the bus, even if it was last minute... Earlier this week I was going to take the train from T.heim and home to Vestfold again, and guess who missed that train with.. 3-4 minutes? I'm like NEVER late for anything, and that one day I manage to miss the train lol. Well, wasn't the end of the world, just rather annoying.

Well, today has been a fun fun day of travelling (Yes, I am being sarcastic. I didnt drink much yesterday, but enough to feel it when I travelled with the ferry.) but now I kinda deserve some more sleep!

Winter wonder

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Even being sick and have a lot of other stuff I should be doing, Ivy is still one of the most important on my "to do list" so today we did it easy and went down to the field where she could play and run all she wanted.
It's around -12 outside, and so cold!! Now It's time to take a loong shower and get into the city to buy the last xmas presents, and eat dinner out today before it's home and get ready for party. So glad I'm not making dinner tonight!

Today's horoscope- Friday

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Today the accent is on rest and relaxation, Sagittarius, as you find yourself needing to enjoy the virtue of taking time to rebuild your energy. You need to take a mental break from day to day affairs, and to balance your responsibilities with some entertainment or pleasure. You need to slow down a bit, and the astrological patterns of the day invite you to do so. Some of you are prone to fall into a serious guilt-trip if you're not productive 24/7. Don't do that to yourself, because you cannot take care of your physical or psychological needs that way.

Well, I must admit that no- I'm not really that into horoscope and stuff but it's fun tho ^^ And hey, I so agree that I need to slow down a bit and what a perfect way to do it with a party:)

What am I doing up?

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I've been up for soon one hour ago... What am I actually doing now I can't really figure out myself, since I tbh should be a sleep :P

Right now, all I want is to go back to sleep. Buut trying to be smart and get the most out of the day I'm not going to do it. Full day, with a bit of shopping, get Ivy tired and party later today before I leave tomorrow so need to pack a bit.

Sick? Don't think so!

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No way. I'm so not going to be sick! Party tomorrow, so need to do anything I can to get better.
Well, a few tips;

- Thyme tea. No doubt it helps :)

- C-Vitamins.. Digg in!

- Honey. With tea ofc :) Nom nom!

- Echinacea.. Does wonders.

- Woolsocks. I'm wearing some that is like 5 numbers too big but it's so good ^^

Any better feeling then shopping?

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I dont think so. Or well, okay I have to admit that there might be a bit better tho. But anyone- Shopping is like an own feeling. I'm such a girl when it comes to shopping, weakness!

Me. Cooking.

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So I've kinda had to make dinner from time to time (Quite often actually) and as a surprise I'm not that bad actually. Kinda figured that the trick was to stay in the kitchen all the time, and not rush it :P Took me a few years to figure it out, but hey.. Better late then never? Not heard the guys complain here yet! 

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Okay. So It's kinda back. My blog.. Notice the "kinda" part, heh.. A lot has happen recently and to start on the begining- I'm not on the island anymore! No more school for me, for this year atleast. I'm back on the "correct" side of Norway, and do not feel that bad about it either. Ofc I miss some of the people, but it was never right. And I have Ivy back, and that says it all:) The reason for leaving was a bit more dramaticly, then just "okay I'm done bye" But now it's okay. So I'll leave it to that.

Being back here has made me think a lot, about the future and what I need to get straight now. But well, I'm back atleast. And ready for what 2010 has to bring :)

Advarsel, sterke scener...

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Vel. What to say? Enjoy:P Og...Og advarsel er gitt!

Smart Lill, smart.

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Etter å ha hatt en såå slitsom og tung dag så klarte jeg å sovne etter middag.. Så forferdlig smart! Men jeg har vel egentlig visst om det en stund, at det kom til å gå sånn hvis jeg ikke klarte å snu det og legge meg tidligere.. Jeg har hatt endel samtaler idag som jeg forøvrig hadde virkelig klart meg uten, og jeg hater at jeg må analysere ting fra alle sider og vinkler! I tillegg så må jeg finne ut av endel ting og har mindre enn en mnd på å finne ut av det... Kan ikke noen bare gi meg en tidsmaskin så jeg kan hoppe rett over alt det her? Sukk!

(Og for å gjøre ting bedre så er det så mye drama på skolen om dagen.. Er det mulig? )

Not bored. Not at all.

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Since class started this morning I've been in class for 20 minutes top... Yey for efficient day!


Good morning :)

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So I manage to start today with being late.. But I'm here right :D That is what counts? Tonight I'm really going to bed early (or atleast earlier! The last week I've been going to bed way to late - Or well, early in the morning... ) But I had a really good "night" sleep atleast, and feel ready for what ever these day brings!

Tea time!

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Tea time in the house :) It's so cozy to sit here and talk ^^ Thanks, u are all the best :)

(And omg.. I'm drinking- TEA.. Strawberry tea actually.)

Bursdag om 15 dager:o

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Okay så ble det to norske innlegg etter hverandre men det må overleves. Jeg skrev at jeg ble 21 i forrige innlegg, om 15 dager. For å være mer korrekt, mens jeg skriver det så er det faktisk 15 dager og 32 minutter. Jeg har egentlig ikke tenkt noe over bursdagen min i år, i det hele tatt... Tiden har gått så utrolig fort her i det siste at jeg ble litt sånn idag "wow. Slutten av november. Har jeg skippa noen uker?" Fordi det føles faktisk sånn.

21. Da har jeg passert 20. Gjorde ingen ting å fylle 20 (Som jeg husker, hadde jeg panikk da og tro? Hm.)Men 21 er verre. Jeg begynner å.. Bli gammel. Okay da, kanskje ikke gammel, men eldre. Ush.Kan noen fryse tiden? 21 høres skummelt ut!

Svake menneske!

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Sjokolade er min svakhet:/ Jeg fikk kinderkalender i posten idag (TAKK snilleste! Og forøvrig man er ALDRI for gammelt til slikt! Bare så det er sagt... Selv om man fyller 21 iløpet av.. *sjekke* 15 dager.)

(Og nei, jeg trenger ikke flere til å nevne at jeg må vente til den første! )


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My laptop is back :D Finally! I can not say how happy I am, heh :D My other computer are probably going to be glad to get a break :P ('till next time this happens ^^ )


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It's strange how things change so fast. In one moment, one decision and everything is changed.

I feel a lot better today then I did yesterday and right now I'm glad I'm here. Things have change and it's not the easiest for me, waking up as one thing and going to be as another:P Probably doesn't make sense for anyone, but meh. My blog and all of that :)

I seriously need to start getting more sleep, heh... 2-3 hours every night is certanly not enough, and when I woke up this morning I felt like killing myself! No one ells to blame then myself, tho it is easy staying up quite late with good company^^

No doing anything ells then rehearsing today, time goes quickly! We aren't everyone at the same time so get nice breaks during the day (So I can for example write in my blog.. :P )

So. My life isn't really exciting atm :P We have premiere on my bday 9 dec, and working hard towards it. Should probably start paiting the stage soon too! That will be.. Fun :P Those of you who have been around me during my "projects" knows how bad I suck on those kind of things, and how quickly I give up, heh. Pictures to come!

Just.. Random.

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Yeah, I'm jumping back and forth. But mostly because I can't decide if I should do this in Norwegian, or English... But dunno probably both:)

I was about to write that things were going okay here. But it's not.. It hasn't been for a while, but things seem to be going better. Why is it with life that when u don't want anything, it gives u something- When u are looking for it, it never appears - When u have something, another comes around? That is more or less what I feel I have in my life right now. Probably what would describe it best way.

"my only problem with you is that you're so obsessed with doing the right thing, that you some times don't do the -smart- thing"

I have no idea if the things I am doing is the right choice, in general. The decisions I'm making... But someone special told me the other day that the right choice was not always the smart one. Doing things correct is not always what is the best.

Okay, I should be making my room ready for inspection instead I'm trying to write a crappy blog! Back to what I should be doing...

Lever og lever (norsk)

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Så blir denne bloggen en blanding av norsk og engelsk fra nå av, sånn er det bare!

Så er vi tilbake fra london, kjære klassen og storkjøkken&kreativ gjenbruk linjen. De første dagene så elsket jeg London. Jeg trengte å komme meg vekk herfra, vekk fra øya, skolen, stillheten! London var akkurat det jeg trengte der og da. Jeg trengte rushen, menneskene, lydene, travelheten- Alt. Og alle butikkene! Gosh. Virkelig det jeg trengte etter månedene her, å ro til joker er liksom høydepunktet.

Etter en uke så var det midlertidig nok... Da lengtet jeg hjem, til fjellene, luften og.. Stillheten. Å kunne gå opp på hovdanakken og tenke, å kunne puste inn frisk luft som ikke er forurenset, å kunne ha vinduet oppe om natten og høre regnet.

Tilbake på skolen er vi nå FÅ elever! Afrika og Latin Amerika har reist, så vi er vel rundt 23-24 elever eller noe så er stille her, og savner elevene som har reist! Jeg og Ida satt kvelden før Latin-Amerika dro og lagde små lapper til Anne, så håper hun likte det når hun savner noen!

Nå er det mindre enn fire uker til premiere. Det er sykt og tenke på, men på samme tid veldig deilig å bli ferdig- MEN det er utrolig gøy! Jeg gleder meg til premieren, som er på bursdagen min faktisk.

Ellers så er jeg overasket:/ Er det ikke alltid slikt at når man minst forvernter og vil ha det i livet så skjer ting? Jeg er forvirret over meg selv til og med, og tviler på om ting jeg gjør er rett.

Vel, et livstegn ihvertfall:) Tenker det blir bedre når jeg får tilbake den lille pc'en min!

Pimp and hoooe'

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Another computer crash.

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So it had to happen. It's me after all... My poor sweet minilaptop refuses to work, so I have to send it in, and it really sucks since I was planning on taking it with me to London (One week before we leave for London! :D ) but now, I'm not even sure when I'm going to get it back. This really really sucks:( I think I have really bad karma or something. I have at least my other laptop, if that one dies from me as well I have no idea what I would do :P Cry? Heh.

Well, I'm doing okay- My ribs hurt but I was in for an xray again yesterday and seems to be healing alright, not perfectly but okay. They gave me something stronger for the pain, so now I can actually sleep a whole night! I can't wait for this to be over, I really hate not being able to go for a hike when I want, go to class, do something. I'm starting to hate this- And still weeks to go, but as soon as the pain is less I should be okay.

Well, as I said earlier just one week left before we are in london :) Going to be fun, I can't wait! I have several reason to look forward to this trip, and one of them is 9 days away :)


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Guess who started crying? Me ofc... It was a cute puppy on seven months and it made me realize just how much I actually miss my own dog, took me like two seconds and the tears came....


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Yes, I'm bored. And in pain! Excuse excuse..

Nom nom nom

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I have two broken ribs, and one bruised... Bashed into a table yesterday- Yes a table. The doctor asked me if I had been in a fight when he saw all the bruises on my side (Fight? Me? lol... Funny thought)

What me and Birgitte been doing this afternoon


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I'm sick of one thing here. People who can't mind their own business. Why in the world does some people HAVE to be bothered with things they really have nothing to do with?? Why can't they just concentrate their own bussines? There are some people here who can't see their own mistakes, and instead concentrate on others. I have been realizing it for a long time, but today it was almost fun watching it happening how some gets so annoyed and makes such a fuss that it gets more annoying really then what the other person actually was doing. And ofc just those persons are always sucking up to everyone... Meh. Fake shallow people ftw!

Small place I guess, but still. Some people here REALLY need some to start thinking a bit more about them self and some less about others.

Well, I'm sitting on lecture right now and have it 'till 2 pm. After that I think we are going to work on something that we are going to show next week, we are going to have parent/visitor week here, and I don't need I to mention that I'm not really up for it? It's so much fun watching everyone look forward to that weekend and getting visitors and knowing that I'm going to be alone...

This is going to be a fun fun week. (Yes, I'm being sarcastic, I feel so positive lately! Heh. ^^)

So, no more coffee.

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Okay- It's not like I can really stop drinking coffee for good. Ofc not.. I would have died or something if I didn't get atleast some caffeine through a day. (Okay, I might over exagerate juuust a bit, heh) but I have had to cut down a lot and started drinking tea instead. I have never been a tea person- But desperate times and all that, heh.

I have been lazy on reading lately... So much other that have taken my time and my school doesn't even have a library -_- But I started on the Marked, first book on the House of Night serie. I didn't have high expections tbh... It's a book a bit on the Twilight road- But I almost have to say that I like the concept better then Twilight.
Very easy to read, I think I used max 5 hours reading the book in all, and going to start on the second book now ( That is the dangerous parts with those kind of books, even thought they aren't great- You need to know what is happening next.)

Not going to do much today :) Hope on having an easy going day.

Not anymore!

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... This is a bit lonely ^^


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My Ivy-wall... Have I mention I miss her? :p

I got a new flower for my room! I just simply love orchides.
Ugh, ugly curtains. Pretty dog ^^

My tea&coffee corner

Chocolate for my guest! Heartshaped ofc^^ lol

From second war world to peace :P heh.

Been into town today with Jan Ivar, it was good getting out of the school a bit.

Well over to my room :) I like it now! The only bad thing about changing room is the small bathroom, but otherwise I'm glad that I moved :) Much more cozier here.

Always last second?

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I've been moving the last day, and finally have everything in my new room... But it looks as second world war happend in my room. Ugh

Cake time!

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And I made it all by myself! We found out we had to celebrate that I changed room (tbh we just wanted cake heh.) and I made a chocolate heart cake, alone! And didn't burn it! Skills huh? ^^

New post perhaps?

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School has started and we are back to our daily routines (Well, routines and routines..) And I'm tired as always lol. But well, it IS getting better:)
Today I've used my spare time designing.. It's been so long since I've done it and felt that it was on time again! I have been thinking for a while about making a logo for my stuff, kind of necessaries actually so I did it today, and I think the result is okay :)

I've had some rough couple of days but it's okay again now- Always light at the end huh? :) I'm so glad I have some amazing friends^^

There is only 19 days till my class travels to London, we got a schedule today over the musicals we will be seeing, or someone them;
Avenue Q
Sister Act
We Will Rock You (I'm not going to watch this one tho.)
Wicket (The only one I'm looking forward too tbh)
Billy Elliot

And some of the places we are going to is the Camden Market, Portebello market, The Globe (ofc..) St James park and the science museum.. Some kind of horror house and madame tussauds.. Thought non of those things is why I am looking forward to london :)

Well, that's it for today. Back to designing now!

Post number 50 :):)

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Wow, I've stuck to this blog for 50 posts^^ Not bad! Today I went hiking alone on the mountain here, ended up getting lost and walking in circles lol.

It's so beautiful here! God how I love Norway ^^

People are finally back "home" now and we have been down on the school building, and tomorrow the day starts for real^^ Going to be fun to get back to normal:)